Letter from the Secretary-General

Dear Delegates, Advisors, and the University of Maryland Community,

On behalf of the University of Maryland Model United Nations Organization (UMDMUN), it is my pleasure to invite you to the fifth iteration of the University of Maryland Model United Nations Conference, UMUNC V. Following the overwhelmingly positive reception of UMUNC I in 2019, and the hard-fought success of transitioning to an online format, we have strived to rebound from COVID-19 in order to provide nothing short of an exceptional conference on par with the delegates and staff who help run it. We would be honored to host your delegation in College Park on April 19-21, 2024!

First and foremost, I remain indebted to my fellow Secretariat members and staff of the UMUNC V Conference. Given that this is my first time stepping into the prestigious role of Secretary-General, I am thankful to have the expertise and guidance of fellow members who previously held similar positions of leadership in equally competitive Model UN circuits. Without a doubt, their input and commitment to Model United Nations has helped the Maryland Model United Nations team establish its presence and growth as a premier organization on the collegiate Model UN circuit.

UMUNC V prides itself on providing a diverse array of committees, playing to the strengths of delegates with a variety of experience levels.  Whether a delegate chooses to participate in a teamwork-driven General Assembly or test their diplomatic capabilities in a fast-paced Crisis Committee, each committee, no matter the topic, is sure to provide a unique educational experience to everyone who takes part.

Finally, it is a firm belief within our organization that participation in the Model United Nations program should never be limited by financial status. We are pleased to announce the rollout of Delegation scholarships and discounted travel packages for delegations and delegates who require one. Model UN is an experience that should be accessible to everyone and we will make every possible effort to ensure your place within our growing community.

I look forward to meeting and working with each and every one of you to ensure a smooth conference experience. If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. My Director-General, Ayushmaan Khurana will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Here’s to the success and growth of you as a delegate, and here’s to UMUNC V. We can’t wait to have you join us!

Warmest Regards,

Jenna Burtch

Secretary-General | UMUNC V


“We want the world our children inherit to be defined by the values enshrined in the U.N. Charter: peace, justice, respect, human rights, tolerance, and solidarity.”
— António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations